Download the mod ExtraRoles Among US

In this mod, new roles will be added: MEDIC, JOKER, OFFICER, AND ENGINEER. All of them are available to play in Among US.

The roles of the Joker, Medic, Officer, and Engineer in Among US

New roles Among US:

  • An officer is a class of teammates who are allowed to kill people, like impostors. Their goal is to find and kill the Impostor, but if they accidentally shoot a teammate, they will die instead.
  • Medic – Can give other players a shield that will make them immortal, although it breaks when the Medic dies. A medic can also examine a corpse for clues about the killer, although the type of information they get depends on how quickly they get to it.
  • Engineer. Playing as an engineer, you can help in a pinch by eliminating one emergency per game from “anywhere on the entire map”, and you can also use the same air vents used by the impostors.
  • The Joker-This character wins by being mistakenly thrown off the ship, instantly ending the game if he loses. So be careful when choosing.

What is included in the mod:

  1. 4 new roles.
  2. 12 colors for players.
  3. There are many settings in which you can choose the chance of falling out of one of the new roles, whether additional icons will be displayed for new characters, and much more.

How to install the mod on a PC:

  • Download and unpack the mod.
  • Copy all files to the root folder of the game(where among is located us.exe).
  • Run Among US. The first run will be long, but the second one will be repeated at the usual speed.
  • Upon successful installation, the inscription “Mods: 3” and “Extra Roles Mod vX” will appear in the upper-left corner of the game.XX Loaded». (XXX is the current version number).


Warning: The mod will only work on the STEAM version of Among Ac. The PIRATED version does not support the mod.

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